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Zx speysx-man Soichi Noguchi in Discovery in 2005 - The atronaut Sochi Noguchi in Disvovery in 2005



Vocabulary :
elo hello
ay I
bi be
speysx-man astronaut

How to say :
Hello, I am an astronaut.

Elo, ay bi speysx-man.
In spiki the verbs are not conjugated


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yu you

You are an astronaut.

Yu bi speysx-man.


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Hello, are you an astronaut?

elo, bi yu speysx-man ?
To ask a question we invert the place of the subject and the verb


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pas past

I was an astronaut

Ay pas bi speysx-man
To speak in the past we add "pas" before the verb


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vuant want

I would like to be an astronaut.

Ay vuant bi speysx-man.
The conditional does not exist


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go go
sta star
tovuad to, toward

I leave towards stars

Ay go tovuad stas.
tovuad indicate a destination

We add s for plural

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Zx speysx-veikol Soyuz - The space vehicle Soyouz

veikol vehicle
speysx space
uedi ready
ayi my

My rocket (space-vehicle) is ready

ayi speysx-veikol bi uedi
The words which are not in the dictionary are transformed into compounds


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it it, he, she
no no

It is not ready

It bi no redi
no indicates the negation of the verb


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injini engineer
not- reverse
big big
zx the
spik speak, talk, say

Hello! Says the technician (little-engineer).

Elo ! Spik zx not-big injini.
big indicates the size or the level
not- indicates the inverse


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sit seat
top top
ov of

My seat is at the top of the rocket

Ayi sit bi top ov zx speysx-vehicol


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fayx fire
entui entry

The nozzle (fire-exit) is below

Z fayx-not-entui bi not-top


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Orora in zx planet Saturn - Polar lights in the planet Saturn


What are the correct sentences

Saturne is my favorit planet.

For "my" we said "ayi" and the word "favuit" do not exist
Gagarine made 1 turn around the earth.

"do" mean "door" and the words "tun" and "eath" do not exist
Lunokhod is a russian robot that has been on the moon.

"tu" mean "2" and the words "robot", "zan" and "mun" do not exist
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